No Crowds (Except Wildlife) - National Park Dream Rides


National Park Dream Bicycle Rides

America's 63 National Parks are havens for recreation lovers of all kinds, but very few people know about the Holy Grail bike rides that they contain.

Here are a few Dispatch-approved bucket list rides for hardcore cyclists with a thirst for adventure.

Start planning today.

Denali National Park

  • 90 miles out and back (shuttle service available to help customize routes
  • Public vehicle access restricted after mile 15 (bikes only!)
  • Amazing views of America's largest mountain
  • Wild grizzlies, wolves, caribou, and moose!

More at Denali National Park

Glacier National Park

  • "Going to the Sun" Road is open only to bikes during late spring
  • Views of the most impressive mountains and glaciers in Montana
  • 50 total miles with over 6,000 feet of elevation gain
  • Rams, mountain goats, grizzlies, and moose. Oh my!

More at Glacier National Park

Yellowstone National Park

  • Starting early April the main road is only open to bikes
  • 50 mile scenic stretch through geothermal vents, canyons, valleys, and mountains
  • Dispersed wild camping with access to abundant wildlife
  • Rare chance to access one of the most popular National Parks with zero crowds.

More at Yellowstone National Park

Canyonlands National Park

  • 100 mile "White Rim Road" offers road, gravel, and offroad options
  • Elephant Road provides some of the most technical mountain biking in Utah
  • Great views of "The Needles" and the "Island in the Sky"

More at Canyonlands National Park

Tips to Make Your Trip Tops

  • Many parks require permits for entry even in the off-season. For the last 3 years, NPS have worked to minimize congestion with timed entrances and permits. Make sure to review your park's entry restrictions.
  • No cars can mean no help. Make sure to pack smart. Clothing, first aid, off-grid communication, water and food.
  • Leave it better than you found it. During the off-season, many parks have minimal maintenance staff. Do your part to keep it as good or better than when you arrived.  These are precious resources and we should make good use of them while preserving them for future generations.
  • Wild is wild. For the love of all things holy, please leave the animals alone. Enjoy them from afar. Observe but don't disturb.
  • Make memories and make sure to commemorate your trip with a custom bicycle headset cap. Every year we make thousands of headset caps for customers preparing for, or returning from, amazing trips that create a lifetime of memories.  A custom bicycle headset cap is a wonderful way to share that memory with fellow riders and keep the stoke going once you're back home.